Tuesday 23 April 2013

Lord of the Flies Book Jackets

My book jackets for the Lord of the Flies. The first is aimed for an audience between 9 and 12 years old, although the book is not initially intended for such a young audience, I wanted to produce work for different audiences to show a range across my FMP. 

The second is for 13-17 year olds, particularly teenage boys because the story is about a group of boys around the age of 12 that get stranded on an island after their plane crashes. The 'Lord of the Flies' refers to a dead pig's head on a stick that attracts flies, which in the cover for 9-12 year olds I felt was important to show because they might have trouble understanding it.

In both I have painted all the elements using gouache and then collaged different elements using Photoshop. I have used relevant images from the book such as the conch shell for the background and the spectacles that get broken trying to make a fire. 

I might change some aspects of these covers, but these are the final thumbnails.

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